About EISM
Author: EISM
Author: EISM
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
About EISM
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
Thoughtful Ways to Thank People in Your Network Showing gratitude to people in your personal network can be pretty easy — and fun. An old-fashioned, handwritten thank you note on nice paper still goes a long way. Just be sure to include sincere appreciation for something personal and specific. Sending a small gift that really… Continue reading Thoughtful Ways to Thank People in Your Network
Build the Confidence to Ask for a Raise Asking for a raise is especially challenging if the voice inside your head wonders whether you really deserve it. If you’re facing this situation, it’s important first to understand and acknowledge your self-worth — and then learn how to sell it within your company. Start by researching … Continue reading Build the Confidence to Ask for a Raise
Get Your Message Across in a Difficult Conversation If you need to have a difficult conversation with someone, you’re unlikely to come to a resolution if you don’t hear the other person out. After you’ve listened to your counterpart, you can clarify your message by doing the following: Own your perspective. Treat your opinion like what… Continue reading Get Your Message Across in a Difficult Conversation
Make Learning Harder to Increase Retention When information is at our fingertips, and attention spans are shorter than ever, it’s no wonder that people expect learning to be easy, too. But research shows that real learning — the kind which embeds knowledge and skills in long-term memory — is never simple. In fact, “easy in” (little… Continue reading Make Learning Harder to Increase Retention
Set a Timer When Making a Tough Decision We spend a lot of time and energy each day making choices — some minor, and some serious. But it’s possible to handle decisions of all kinds more efficiently. One strategy is to use a timer for the most difficult and unpredictable decisions. Some decisions are so complicated… Continue reading Set a Timer When Making a Tough Decision
Great Managers Do 3 Things Every Day Most new managers find that they rarely end a day having done what they planned to do. They spend most of their time solving unexpected problems and making sure work gets done. But there are three essential things that managers should be doing every day: building trust, building… Continue reading Great Managers Do 3 Things Every Day
Good Leaders Don’t Ignore Their Personal Lives Good leaders put aside their own needs for the good of the organization — but that doesn’t mean they completely sacrifice their personal lives. Leaders who ignore their need for exercise, sleep, and recreation eventually succumb to brownout: the loss of energy, focus, and passion. Brownout is often… Continue reading Don’t Ignore Your Personal Life
Decide How You’ll React to Negative Feedback When criticism arrives unexpectedly, remembering how you should react to it is tricky. Getting caught up in the heat of the moment can overwhelm our best intentions. Think through the reaction you want to have now, so that you’ll be ready when the time comes: Listen carefully to… Continue reading Decide How You’ll React to Negative Feedback
Know When to Stop Checking Your Phone and Go to Sleep By now we’ve all heard the importance of getting enough sleep. Yet many of us let our technology sabotage us getting a good night’s rest. Research has found that anxiety, due to fear of missing out, plays a major role in how we use… Continue reading Know When to Stop Checking Your Phone and Go to Sleep
Balance Your Personal and Professional Selves on Facebook More people use Facebook than any other social network, which means that you need a Facebook strategy for your career. This is especially true since we usually use our personal accounts when we’re on it. Here are some tips for managing your personal account in relation to… Continue reading Balance Your Personal and Professional Selves on Facebook