Science in Management
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Success Story
The latest advances in AI & Health Care
Apart from efforts to develop vaccines for Covid-19, 2020 has been a year of substantial advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning – technologies that are being applied in healthcare as never before, resulting in improvements and enhancements in diagnosis and treatment that were previously impossible.
These technologies are advancing at an increasing rate, and we can be sure that AI will be used even more to overcome healthcare challenges in 2021 and beyond. Here are some of the main areas AI will be used to enhance digital healthcare in the near future.
Success Story
Energy savings in high-rise buildings
Sensors are the bread and butter of smart buildings. Much of the transformative technology changing the way we manage buildings relies on gathering ultra-accurate data—perhaps about room occupancy, temperature and air quality—and using it to automate processes or feeding it back to building managers. But this it just the beginning: the next generation of sensor-based devices will be able to analyse even richer data for even more accurate results, and it will do this using machine learning.
Success story
Computer Vision and drones change the game
2020 has been an unprecedented year for many reasons, but a particular one to dive into is the effect it has had on some of our country’s most traditional yet essential functions. Even as things shut down, essential industries like utilities, telecom, and oil & gas faced pressure to continue the same critical infrastructure operations without interruption.
Suddenly, drone technology that was previously met with hesitation and even dismissiveness was re-examined and quickly embraced as the ultimate tool to provide efficiency and worker safety.
Success story
How tourism is recovering from the pandemic
Digitalisation, personalisation and talent will be the key points that would help Spain’s tourism sector revive from the devastating situation provoked by the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, President of the Tourism Board Juan Molas believes.
Molas’ comments came during the meeting held between various directors the ObservaTUR Zoom “which set the beginning of the sector’s recovery in April.” Many of the directors believe that new technologies will be essential in recovering the tourism industry, reports.