About EISM
Author: EISM
Author: EISM
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
About EISM
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
Data Science Projects are not Purely Technical As is well known, data science is highly interdisciplinary and covers fields as wide-ranging as machine learning, statistics, business analytics, and software engineering. But when you are evaluating different data science solutions and providers, remember that data science is not a purely technical discipline. There are a number of… Continue reading Data Science Projects are not Purely Technical
Top Reasons to Outsource Your Data Science The outsourcing of Big Data and Business Intelligence projects is becoming an increasingly attractive and feasible option for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs). In fact, those companies who are not taking advantage of their data are getting left behind. As the name itself implies, Business Intelligence provides its… Continue reading Outsourcing Your Data Science Projects
Working with Someone Who Always Thinks They’re Right A colleague who always thinks they’re right can be extremely frustrating. There are a few ways to keep the relationship productive and professional. The next time you find yourself in a debate with this person, don’t fight back — escalating an argument won’t change their behavior. Instead,… Continue reading Working with Someone Who Always Thinks They’re Right
When You Make a Mistake, Forgive Yourself If a friend tells you about an ordeal they’re facing or a mistake they’ve made, how do you typically respond? In all likelihood, you offer kindness and comfort. But how do you treat yourself when you make a big mistake? You’re probably much tougher — springing to self-criticism,… Continue reading When You Make a Mistake, Forgive Yourself
Don’t Let Criticism Overshadow Praise When you get feedback from your boss or your colleague, it’s tempting to focus on the criticism. After all, that’s where you need to focus if you want to improve. But dwelling on the negative can be debilitating. You also need to make sure you hear the positive: Write down… Continue reading Don’t Let Criticism Overshadow Praise
Use Breathing to Stay Grounded in Stressful Moments Practicing mindfulness is as much physical as it is mental. Paying attention to your body can help you stay calm in stressful moments. This is called anchoring — noticing your physical experience rather than avoiding it. The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and… Continue reading Use Breathing to Stay Grounded in Stressful Moments
You Don’t Have to Be Helpful All the Time Most research shows that helping others makes us feel happy and energized. But the reality is that lending a hand to coworkers can often be exhausting, draining our cognitive and emotional resources and leaving us too tired and depleted to perform subsequent tasks. So how can… Continue reading You Don’t Have to Be Helpful All the Time
Don’t Let One Bad Experience Stop You from Giving Feedback It can be tough to get up the nerve to give a colleague — or your boss — constructive feedback, even if they’ve requested it. And if the person becomes defensive, it’s easy to shut down and tell yourself that offering your thoughts is a… Continue reading Don’t Let One Bad Experience Stop You from Giving Feedback
Use Social Media to Learn More About Your Industry Social media may seem to be an endless stream of selfies, political rants, and clickbait articles, but there’s a lot you can learn from it. In fact, you can use social media to build professional skills, knowledge, and relationships. Start by thinking about what you want… Continue reading Use Social Media to Learn More About Your Industry
Three Good Reasons to Admit You’ve Failed As a leader, admitting failure is critical. Many people try to shrug off mistakes as things that happen to everyone. Although doing so might seem harmless, there are many good reasons why you should admit you’ve messed up. Here are three: To connect with your employees. While it’s… Continue reading Three Good Reasons to Admit You’ve Failed