Give Women the Space to Contribute in Meetings

In the ideal meeting, all attendees participate, contributing diverse points of view and ideas. But few meetings live up to that. Multiple studies have shown that women are interrupted in meetings far more often, and their ideas are taken less seriously. To make sure you’re getting the most from all participants, take  unconscious bias seriously. Foster a culture in which both men and women are encouraged to “call it out” when they see someone being inadvertently silenced in a discussion. Enlist progressive men to lead by example, and hold them accountable for allowing their female counterparts to contribute. You can balance the playing field with ground rules such as “no talking over each other,” or by going around the table when you’re seeking  input on a critical decision. Most important, take the worst offenders aside and point out their behavior — they may be unaware of it.
*Source: Harvard Business School’s Management Tip of the Day
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