Set Aside Time for Your Team to Get Real Work Done

As a leader it’s your job to make sure your team doesn’t get burned out. One way to reduce stress and help people focus on what really needs to get done is to schedule uninterrupted work time. When people get distracted, it can take at least 20 minutes to refocus on the task at hand. Encourage people to set aside an hour or more each morning for quiet, proactive work. There should be no interruptions during this time, unless it’s an emergency – this means holding off on meetings and limiting email. By making this a group goal, you increase people’s collective focus and prevent backsliding. You can also help your team break larger projects up into smaller tasks that can be accomplished in the amount of time you’ve set aside for strategic work each day. Once they start using this time effectively, their productivity will improve.
*Source: Harvard Business Review’s Management Tip of the Day.

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