Two Ways to Leave Work Stress Behind

After a long day, it can be a struggle to leave work behind you. Too often, we take out  job-related stress on our friends, children, or partners.  Here are two ways to make sure your work troubles   stay at the office:

  • Have an end-of-work   habit.   Signal to your brain that it’s time to go home with a ritual that helps you unwind.  Take a more scenic route home, listen to music on the bus, go to the gym. Make time for this habit so you can switch gears before you get home, not as you’re walking in the door.
  • Create a third space. It’s easy to just   shuttle  back and forth — physically and emotionally — between work and home.But having a third space besides these two locations will help you decompressIt might be anything from a quiet café to a book club to a poker night. It should be a place where you explore your interests, relax, and ideally find fulfillment..*Source: Harvard Business Publishing’s Management Tip of the Day
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