Good Leaders Don’t Ignore Their Personal Lives

Good leaders put aside their own needs for the good of the organization — but that doesn’t mean they completely sacrifice their personal lives. Leaders who ignore their need for exercise, sleep, and recreation eventually succumb to brownout: the loss of energy, focus, and passion. Brownout is often imperceptible to outsiders, but it affects a significant percentage of managers. Today’s superstar leaders supplement their commitment to others with an equally important commitment to themselves. Whether it’s promising you’ll stick to your exercise routine, enjoy hobbies, eat dinner with your family, or reflect on what’s important to you, putting aside time for yourself makes you a better, more fully realized version of yourself. Start by making one small but meaningful   promise to yourself — and keep it. If you’re successful, try another promise. It shouldn’t take long for the performance  benefits to be obvious.
*Source: Harvard Business Review’s Management Tip of the Day.

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